氫交換計劃(即“HyXchange”),是由荷蘭電網運營商 Gasunie 和四個荷蘭港口當局(阿姆斯特丹、鹿特丹、格羅寧根和北海港)資助,旨在探索如何建立氫交換的實際方面。
朱佳妮 摘譯自 安迅思
Dutch hydrogen market could be established by 2027
A widely traded hydrogen market could come into place in the Netherlands by 2027, according to the conclusions of a hydrogen exchange definition study that were released earlier this week.
The Hydrogen Exchange Initiative, or “HyXchange”, was funded by Dutch grid operator Gasunie and four Dutch port authorities - Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Groningen and North Sea Port - with an aim to explore the practical aspects of how a hydrogen exchange could be founded.
The HyXchange definition study outlined that key to a widely traded hydrogen market was the need for infrastructure, enabling the commodity to be transported between regions of supply and demand.
The Netherlands is well placed for such a hydrogen network, with projections from Gasunie outlining that a hydrogen network could be ready by 2027 following the initial construction of hydrogen infrastructure from 2024 in the Rotterdam-Rijnmond region, according to information from the European Hydrogen Backbone.
Prior to this, hydrogen could be traded regionally, the study states, for example at industrial clusters where large quantities of blue hydrogen is produced, such as in Rotterdam through the H-Vision project, or at locations set to benefit from offshore wind for the generation of green hydrogen.
imported hydrogen could also support regional trade.
The study notes that such a variety of hydrogen streams (green, blue and imported) would need to be certified under a market system, qualifying the source of such hydrogen and therefore determining its economic value.