殼牌發言人Curtis Smith表示,對該交易的審查原本預計將于本月結束,但已延長至明年。
今年5月,殼牌披露了一項協議,將以約5.96億美元的價格出售其在得克薩斯州Deer Park煉油廠的50%股權,該煉油廠位于休斯敦郊外,日產量為30.28萬桶。官員們表示,預計交易將于本月結束。
Smith說:“我們原本希望能在月底前完成出售,但現在看來需要足夠的時間。在 CFIUS 審查交易時,我們將繼續與他們合作?!?/p>
朱佳妮 摘譯自 安迅斯新聞
Shell confirms new delay in sale of Texas refinery to Pemex
Royal Dutch Shell on Thursday confirmed a Reuters report that the sale of its controlling interest in a Texas refinery to Mexican state oil company Petroleos Mexicanos has been delayed until next year, reported Reuters.
A review of the deal, had been expected to wrap up this month but has been extended into next year, Shell spokesperson Curtis Smith said.
Shell in May disclosed an agreement to sell its 50% interest in the 302,800-barrel-per-day (bpd) Deer Park, Texas, refinery outside Houston to partner Pemex for about $596 million. The closing was expected this month, officials have said.
“We were hopeful we could conclude the sale before the end of the month, however, it now looks like the full amount of time will be needed,” Smith said. “We will continue to cooperate with CFIUS as they review the transaction.”