據Azernews網站12月22日消息 據國家海關委員會報告,阿塞拜疆2021年1-11月共出口了2550萬噸石油,價值122億美元。
早些時候bp稱,阿塞拜疆的Azeri Chirag Guneshli(ACG)油田的總產量在2021前三季度達到1.26億桶。1-11月ACG向SOCAR(主要位于Sangachal碼頭)和SOCAR的油巖設施輸送了22億立方米(平均800萬立方米/天)的ACG伴生氣。此外,Shah Deniz油田共生產了約160億立方米天然氣和300萬噸凝析油。
吳恒磊 編譯自 Azernews
Azerbaijan exports 25.5m tons of oil in Jan-Nov
Azerbaijan exported 25.5 million tons of oil worth $12.2 billion in January-November 2021, the State Customs Committee has reported.
During the first 11 months of the year, Italy was the main oil importer from Azerbaijan, accounting for 12 million tons of oil worth $5.7 billion.
The top five countries in terms of oil imports from Azerbaijan were Italy, Israel (1.5 million tons of oil worth $780 million), Croatia (1.5 million tons of oil worth $751.2 million), Portugal (1.1 million tons of oil worth $587 million) and India (1.2 million tons of oil worth $584.1 million).
Meanwhile, Azerbaijan exported 599,350 tons of oil worth $278.3 million to Turkey in the first 11 months of the year.
It should be noted that the share of oil in the total structure of exports amounted to 62 percent in January-November 2021.
Earlier BP reported that the total production at Azerbaijan's Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli (ACG) block of fields amounted to 126 million barrels in the first three quarters of 2021. During the reported period, ACG delivered 2.2 billion cubic meters, or an average of 8 million cubic meters per day of ACG-associated gas to SOCAR, primarily at the Sangachal Terminal, and to SOCAR’s Oil Rocks facility. In addition, the Shah Deniz field produced around 16 billion cubic meters of gas and 3 million tons of condensate.