據NS ENERGY 5月18日消息,雪佛龍和道達爾能源已經批準了位于美國墨西哥灣深水區的Ballymore項目,該項目將涉及約16億美元的投資。
該油田于2018年發現,將通過鉆探三個生產井進行開發。這些將通過一條4.8公里長的出油管線與現有的雪佛龍運營的Blind Faith平臺相連。
雪佛龍北美勘探和生產總裁Steve Green說:“雪佛龍在美國墨西哥灣的生產是我們投資組合中碳強度最低的生產之一,約為6千克二氧化碳當量/桶油當量,是全球行業平均水平的很小比例。”
通過其子公司雪佛龍美國公司,該公司擁有Ballymore項目60%的運營股權。道達爾能源通過其子公司TotalEnergies E&P USA持有剩余40%的股份。
道達爾能源美洲勘探和生產高級副總裁David Mendelson說:“在發現Ballymore油田僅四年后,就批準了該油田的開發,這是我們在墨西哥灣勘探努力的結果。”
祝精燕 摘譯自 NS ENERGY
Chevron, TotalEnergies sanction $1.6bn Ballymore project in US Gulf of Mexico
Chevron and TotalEnergies have sanctioned the Ballymore project in the deepwater US Gulf of Mexico, which will involve an investment of around $1.6bn.
Discovered in 2018, the field will be developed by drilling three production wells. These will be tied back to the existing Chevron-operated Blind Faith platform through a 4.8km long flowline.
First oil from the Ballymore project is expected to be drawn in 2025.
According to Chevron, oil and natural gas produced from the project will be transported by using the existing infrastructure. This will ensure lesser development costs and lower emission intensity, said TotalEnergies.
Chevron North America exploration and production president Steve Green said: “Chevron’s U.S. Gulf of Mexico production is some of the lowest carbon intensity production in our portfolio at around 6 kg CO2 equivalent per barrel of oil equivalent and is a fraction of the global industry average.
“once complete, Ballymore is expected to add a reliable supply of U.S. produced energy to help meet global demand. The project is designed to lower development costs by using a subsea tieback approach, standardised equipment and repeatable engineering solutions – leveraging existing operated infrastructure.”
Ballymore marks the maiden development for Chevron in the Norphlet trend of the US Gulf of Mexico.
The field is located in the Mississippi Canyon area in a water depth of around 6,600ft, and nearly 260km southeast of New Orleans.
Chevron stated that more than 150 million barrels of oil-equivalent resources can be potentially recovered from the Ballymore field.
Through its subsidiary Chevron U.S.A., the company has an operating stake of 60% in the Ballymore project. TotalEnergies holds the remaining 40% stake through its subsidiary TotalEnergies E&P USA.
TotalEnergies exploration and production senior vice president Americas David Mendelson said: “Sanctioning the Ballymore field development, only four years after the discovery, is the result of our exploration efforts in the Gulf of Mexico.
“Thanks to its tie-back development concept, this decision fits TotalEnergies’ strategy of focusing on oil projects with low breakeven and low emissions.”