在致議會的一封信中,能源部長Rob Jetten表示,政府將委托該國天然氣網絡運營商Gasunie管理和運營該網絡,部分網絡將在2026年前完成。
Gasunie首席執行官Han Fennema說:“我們現在開始在荷蘭建設公共氫氣網絡,這將是向更可持續的能源系統過渡的一個巨大推動。”
曹海斌 摘譯自 烴加工新聞
Dutch Government Pledges $789 Million to Develop Hydrogen Network
The Dutch government on Wednesday said it would invest 750 million euros ($789 million) through to 2031 to develop a national hydrogen transportation network.
In a letter to parliament, Energy Minister Rob Jetten said the government would task Gasunie, the country's gas network operator, with managing and operating the network, parts of which are due to be completed by 2026.
"The aim of our rollout plan is to have a transport network that passes through the major industrial clusters, connects them to storage facilities and connects the Netherlands with neighboring countries," Jetten said.
The letter sketched the route the network will take, often re-purposing Gasunie gas pipes.
"We (will) now start the construction of the public hydrogen network in the Netherlands, which will be a great boost for the transition towards a more sustainable energy system," said Gasunie CEO Han Fennema.
The Dutch government has been discussing the idea of a hydrogen transportation network for years.
Plans outlined by Jetten included making use of part of the 20 gigawatts worth of wind farms planned or under construction in the Dutch North Sea by 2030 as a source of green energy that can be used to produce hydrogen.
One gigawatt of electricity is about enough to power a million households, but current processes for producing hydrogen are costly and inefficient.