????通訊員 據世界天然氣網03月02日消息,雪佛龍在聲明中表示,該項目包括一條70公里(43.5英里)的管道,日輸氣量為9.5億立方英尺天然氣當量(MMcfe/d)。
????該項目有利于將海上生產基礎設施中的天然氣輸送到Punta Europa、Alba工廠和赤道幾內亞LNG工廠的現有陸上設施,在那里進行加工并轉化為LNG。
????尹路 編譯自 世界天然氣
????Chevron marks first gas from Alen field off Equatorial Guinea
????The project consists of a 70 km (43.5 miles) pipeline with a capacity of 950 million cubic feet of natural gas equivalent per day (MMcfe/d), Chevron said in its statement.
????This allows gas from the Alen field, located in the Douala Basin offshore Equatorial Guinea, to be processed through onshore existing facilities, maximizing development of current and future regional gas resources.
????This project facilitates the transport of gas from offshore production infrastructure to existing onshore facilities at Punta Europa, the Alba plant and the Equatorial Guinea LNG plant, where it will be processed and converted into LNG.
????The Alen gas monetization project is a key step forward for the country’s envisioned Equatorial Guinea gas mega-hub, which seeks to utilize existing infrastructure and support a thriving world-class gas industry within Equatorial Guinea, allowing for future discovered resources to be processed in the country.