???? 據世界石油網站2月24日報道 西方石油公司在二疊紀盆地的石油產量下降,使得該公司在通往墨西哥灣海岸的管道上有太多閑置產能,這一問題將導致今年的中游損失高達7.5億美元。
????王磊 摘譯自 世界石油
????Oxy’s Permian output slump drives millions in midstream losses
????The decline in Occidental Petroleum Corp.’s oil production in the Permian Basin has left the company with so much unused capacity on pipelines to the Gulf Coast that the problem will drive a midstream loss of as much as $750 million this year.
????Occidental said Tuesday that total Permian production is expected to be about 485,000 barrels of oil equivalent a day this year, well short of the 800,000 barrels of pipeline space it’s committed to. That means the company needs to buy the balance elsewhere, adding to costs.
????Occidental has long held more pipe space than it needs from the Permian, in the hope that its shale business would eventually grow big enough to make use of it. But last year’s oil-price crash, and, more recently, the winter freeze in Texas, caused the company to cut investment and production in an effort to prioritize near-term cash flow for debt reduction. That has left its pipeline position exposed.