???? 據今日油價網站2月22日消息 去年秋天,瑞典鋰離子電池制造商Northvolt宣布,其已經籌集了6億美元的股本,用于投資于產能擴張、研發和大規模回收。
????此次融資包括機構投資者吉福德、Baron資本集團、Bridford 投資有限公司、Norrsken VC & PCS Holding以及私人投資者Cristina Stenbeck和Daniel Ek。目前Northvolt股東高盛、伊瑪斯基金會、斯堪尼亞和大眾汽車公司也加入了這一行列。
????這6億美元對一家在美國并非家喻戶曉的公司來說是一筆可觀的融資,但Norrsken 首席執行官彼得卡爾森此前曾明確表示,公司有意顛覆中國在歐洲市場的主導地位,他說:“廢舊電池有相當大的出口流向中國,重要的是保持這些資金在歐洲境內流動。”
????王磊 摘譯自 今日油價
????Investment In Battery Tech Exploded In 2020
????Last fall Swedish lithium-ion battery maker Northvolt announced that it had raised $600 million in equity to invest in capacity expansion, research and development, and large-scale recycling.
????The capital raise included institutional investors Baillie Gifford, Baron Capital Group, Bridford Investments Limited, Norrsken VC & PCS Holding together with private investors Cristina Stenbeck and Daniel Ek. It was joined by current Northvolt shareholders Goldman Sachs, IMAS Foundation, Scania, and Volkswagen AG.
????The $600 million represented a substantial capital raise for a company that isn’t exactly a household name in the U.S., but Northvolt CEO Peter Carlsson had previously made clear the company’s intent to upend Chinese domination of the European market: “There’s a pretty significant export flow of used batteries to China, and that’s stupid. It’s important to keep these flows within Europe.”
????Northvolt made the biggest deal in the battery space in 2020, but it was a huge year overall for the rapidly-growing sector. Mercom Capital Group, a global communications and research and consulting firm focused on cleantech, recently released its Q4 and Annual 2020 Funding and M&A report for the battery storage, smart grid and energy efficiency sectors.
????Some of the key findings from the report include:
?????Battery storage, smart grid and energy efficiency companies brought in $8.1 billion in corporate funding in 2020, compared to $3.8 billion in 2019.
?????Corporate funding in battery storage was up 136% with $6.6 billion in 54 deals in 2020.
?????Global VC [venture capital] funding for battery storage, smart grid and efficiency companies in 2020 was 12% higher with $2.6 billion. compared to $2.3 billion raised in 2019.
????The report noted that lithium-ion based battery technology companies received the most VC funding in 2020, with $649 million. But other storage categories also received funding, including solid-state batteries, energy storage downstream, energy storage systems, and flow batteries.