???? 據能源之聲2月8日消息稱,能源咨詢公司雷斯塔能源預計,隨著大型企業將優先剝離資產,以精簡投資組合,它們正在紛紛退出亞洲并購市場。
????Wood Mackenzie估計,亞太地區將出售價值約120億美元的上游資產。大型石油公司和大型國際石油公司將是這些資產的主要賣家,出售的資產中有一半以上來自澳大利亞和新西蘭。液化天然氣的機會占58億桶石油當量(boe)資源的近60%。這家能源研究公司估計,隨著企業戰略的演變,還可能有260億美元的資產進入市場。
????市場上的重大交易包括雪佛龍出售其在澳大利亞西北大陸架項目的股份,埃克森美孚和雷普索爾退出馬來西亞,以及雪佛龍轉讓其在印度尼西亞深水開發項目(IDD)的股份。預計埃克森美孚也將削減其在越南的Ca Voi Xanh(藍鯨)天然氣項目,殼牌正試圖剝離其在印尼阿巴迪巨型氣田的股權。
????咨詢公司Wood Mackenzie的分析師Alay Patel表示,石油和天然氣價格的復蘇應該有助于買家和賣家更接近價格預期,而北美上游生產商之間的持續整合推動了全球并購活動的急劇上升,可能推動更多非核心亞太資產進入市場。
????這讓人們燃起了希望,期待已久的澳大利亞、馬來西亞、越南和其他地方的交易最終可能會達成。Wood Mackenzie亞太副董事長Gavin Thompson說,很多事情都需要改善,但到今年年底,亞太地區很可能會看到企業前景好轉的跡象,企業將重新尋求增長。不過,他提醒說,“聽起來不錯,但當然,挑戰依然存在。”
????Wood Mackenzie亞太研究主管Andrew Harwood對能源之聲表示,埃尼和埃克森美孚最近撤出在澳大利亞的資產組合,突顯出賣方在尋找合適買家方面面臨的挑戰。
????朱佳妮 摘譯自 能源之聲
????IOCs eye $12 billion worth of mergers and acquisition deals in the Asia Pacific region
????Asia mergers and acquisitions are shaping up to be headlined by majors exiting countries as they prioritise divestments in a bid to streamline portfolios, reckons energy consultancy Rystad Energy.
????“In 2020, assets worth more than $1 billion were put on the market or were rumoured to be on the table. Going forward, including assets put on the market previously, the value of potential deals could surpass $10bn,” reported Rystad.
????Wood Mackenzie estimates around $12bn worth of upstream assets are for sale in Asia Pacific. Majors and large international oil companies (IOCs) will be the primary sellers of assets with more than half of the packages on sale coming from Australia and New Zealand. LNG opportunities make up almost 60% of the 5.8 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe) of resources on offer. A further $26bn of assets could also come to market as corporate strategies evolve, estimated the energy research company.
????The big deals on the market include Chevron’s sale of its share in the North West Shelf project in Australia, ExxonMobil and Repsol’s exits from Malaysia, and Chevron’s transfer of its stake in the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD). ExxonMobil is also expected to farm-down its Ca Voi Xanh (Blue Whale) gas project in Vietnam and Shell is trying to divest its stake in the giant Abadi field in Indonesia.
????The most likely Asian national oil company (NOC) to start selling in 2021 will be Indonesia’s Pertamina as it seeks to farm-down stakes in some of its key domestic assets taken over from IOCs exiting Indonesia.
????Alay Patel, an analyst at Wood Mackenzie, believes the recovery in oil and gas prices should help bring buyers and sellers closer on price expectation, while ongoing consolidation among upstream producers in North America has driven a sharp uptick in global M&A, likely pushing more non-core Asia Pacific assets into the market.
????This is raising hopes that long-anticipated deals in Australia, Malaysia, Vietnam and elsewhere could finally get done. Much will need to go right, but by the end of this year, Asia Pacific could well see signs of a refreshed corporate landscape and companies looking again to growth, said Gavin Thompson, Asia Pacific vice chairman at Wood Mackenzie. Although, he cautioned, “sounds great, but of course challenges remain.”
????The recent withdrawal of Eni and ExxonMobil’s asset packages in Australia underscores the challenge sellers face finding the right buyers, Andrew Harwood, Asia Pacific research director at Wood Mackenzie told Energy Voice.
????“Regional players are the most likely buyers, be it infrastructure funds in Australia, late-life players in Southeast Asia, or NOCs picking up assets in their own backyard. New private players may emerge but finding funds for upstream acquisitions will be tough given the current uncertainty around oil prices and the long-term demand,” added Harwood.?