???? 據2月5日Trade Arabia消息:在化工行業,Sabic首次成為全球第二大最有價值品牌,并且鞏固了其在全球最具價值品牌500強中的地位。全球領先的獨立品牌估值咨詢公司Brand Finance發布的《2021年化學行業25強》和《全球500強》報告確認了這一排名。
????Sabic副董事長兼首席執行官Yousef Al-Benyan表示:“我們為排名提高感到自豪。成為全球首選的化學品領導者是我們使命的重要一步,反映了客戶和其他利益相關者對Sabic日益增長的積極看法。這清楚地證實了我們將Sabic定位為全球領先化學品牌的戰略。“
????馮娟 摘譯自 Trade Arabia
????Sabic is world's second most valuable chemicals brand
????Sabic has become the world’s second most valuable brand in the chemicals industry for the first time, and it has also cemented its place among the top 500 most valuable global brands. The rankings were confirmed in the 2021 Chemicals 25 and Global 500 reports published by Brand Finance, a world-leading independent brand valuation consultancy.
????Yousef Al-Benyan, Sabic Vice Chairman and CEO, said: “We are proud of our improved ranking. It is a significant step in our mission to become the preferred world leader in chemicals and reflects the ever-growing positive perception of Sabic among our customers and other stakeholders. It is a clear confirmation of the strategy we have defined to position Sabic as a leading global chemical brand.
????Al-Benyan added: “Building a strong global brand is integral to our core objectives and aligns with our growth ambitions. It enables our business strategy and enhances our resilience. Our brand is important to us and our customers and stakeholders, and we will remain dedicated to delivering our Chemistry that Matters.”
????This year the Chemicals 25 report confirmed Sabic’s brand value to be $4.017 billion, which represents a marginal softening versus 2020. The overall chemicals industry saw an eight percent decline in total brand value from the previous year, primarily due to the downturn in the global economy. In 2020, Sabic entered the second phase of its global brand campaign, further building on its successful launch in 2019. The campaign aligns with the company’s 2025 strategy and connects global audiences with the Sabic collaborations that enable sustainable solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges.
????Brand Finance utilises a bespoke methodology to determine the brand value of a company. Factors considered include stakeholder familiarity and satisfaction along with forecasted business performance.