???? 據彭博社2月7日報道,全球最大的獨立石油交易商維托爾(Vitol SA)和競爭對手貢沃爾集團(Gunvor Group Ltd.)一樣,警告稱,要對近期原油價格飆升持謹慎態度。
????維托爾亞洲業務負責人Mike Muller周日在接受迪拜咨詢公司Gulf Intelligence采訪時表示:“市場在疫苗接種后的興奮情緒和對歐佩克管理供應能力的持續信心方面已經遠超于當前市場的發展態勢?!?/p>
????貢沃爾首席執行官Torbjorn Tornqvist表示,油價不太可能突破60美元,因為這將促使能源公司增加產量。
????王佳晶 摘譯自 彭博社
????Oil Markets Have Got Ahead of Themselves, Trader Vitol Says
????The world’s largest independent oil trader, Vitol SA, joined rival Gunvor Group Ltd. in expressing caution about the recent surge in crude prices.
????“The market is getting ahead of itself in terms of a post-vaccine euphoria but also continued belief in the ability of OPEC to manage supply,” Mike Muller, head of Vitol’s Asian operations, said Sunday in an interview with Dubai-based consultant Gulf Intelligence.
????Crude prices have soared since early November on optimism Covid-19 vaccines will restore energy demand and because of deep supply cuts by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and its partners such as Russia. Yet many major economies remain in strict lockdowns and some are struggling to source enough vaccine doses.
????Brent crude futures gained more than 6% last week to $59.34 a barrel, while WTI climbed almost 9%. Each benchmark is now at its highest level in more than a year.
????Gains beyond $60 a barrel are unlikely because that would prompt energy companies to ramp up production, Gunvor Chief Executive Officer Torbjorn Tornqvist said on Friday.
????Vaccines have been rolled out faster than energy markets predicted and China’s oil demand has rebounded rapidly, Muller said. But a full recovery depends on consumption elsewhere picking up, he said.
????“The onus is on the rest of the world to start with the demand catch-up because China can’t consume much faster than it’s already been doing,” he said. “It’s already outstripping its 2019 numbers and growing at a phenomenal pace beyond most people’s expectations.”