???? 據世界天然氣網站2月4日消息 TechnipFMC周四表示,計劃在本月晚些時候將分拆合并為兩家獨立的上市公司。
????TechnipFMC股票(包括在紐約證券交易所和巴黎泛歐交易所獲得Technip Energies股票的權利)的最后交易日將分別為2月12日和2月15日。
????因此,Technip Energies將在同一天成為一家獨立的上市公司,不再是TechnipFMC的一部分。
????吳恒磊 編譯自 世界天然氣
????TechnipFMC separation to take place this month
????TechnipFMC said on Thursday it plans to wrap up its separation into two independent, publicly traded companies later this month.
????Namely, the last day of trading of TechnipFMC shares that include the right to receive Technip Energies shares on the New York Stock Exchange and Euronext Paris stock exchange will be 12 February and 15 February, respectively.
????TechnipFMC shares would then commence trading on a standalone basis on NYSE and Euronext Paris on 16 February 2021.
????As a result, Technip Energies will on the same date become an independent public company and no longer part of TechnipFMC.