???? 據能源經濟2月3日消息稱,RBC周二報道,俄羅斯石油公司正在考慮在北極和其他地區的液化天然氣(LNG)項目,項目的年總產能高達9500萬噸。
????RBC援引與俄羅斯政府關系密切的兩個消息來源說,在上個月由副總理亞歷山大·諾瓦克(Alexander Novak)主持的一次會議上,這些項目被視為其液化天然氣戰略的一部分。俄羅斯石油公司和俄羅斯能源部沒有立即回應記者的置評請求。
????曹海斌 摘譯自 能源經濟
????Russia's Rosneft looks to Arctic to ramp up LNG output
????Russia's Rosneft is considering liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects in the Arctic and other regions with total annual capacity of up to 95 million tonnes, RBC reported on Tuesday.
????Citing two sources close to the Russian government, RBC said the projects were considered as part of its LNG strategy at a meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak last month. Rosneft and the Russian Energy Ministry did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the report.
????The projects are a part of Russia's plans to boost its production of LNG, a super-cooled sea-borne gas, to 140 million tonnes a year by 2035, from 30.5 million tonnes at present.
????Russia already has two large LNG producing plants. Yamal LNG is led by Novatek in the Arctic, while Gazprom's Sakhalin Energy is in the far east of the country.
????It is also looking into a possibility of setting up a plant, Taymyr LNG, also in the Arctic, with a capacity of 35-50 million tonnes per year, as part of its giant Vostok Oil energy project, in which international trader Trafigura has a 10% stake.
????Rosneft also has plans to build a 15 million tonne LNG plant as part of its Sakhalin-1 project in the Russian Far East. However, a lack of natural gas resources for the plant has hobbled the implementation of the project.