???? 據能源全球2月2日消息稱,Gasum正在通過制定新的環境目標來減緩氣候變化,以實現碳中和。該公司尋求增加沼氣的可用性,以達到累計減少100萬噸碳排放。到2025年,該公司計劃通過自己的產量和獲得認證的歐洲合作伙伴的產量,向市場提供4 TWh的沼氣。在自己的業務中,Gasum的目標是減少液化天然氣和沼氣生產鏈的排放,并實施能效措施。
????Gasum首席執行官Johanna Lamminen表示:“責任是Gasum戰略的關鍵要素。我們與我們的合作伙伴和客戶一起,不斷開發新的方法來減少排放。近年來,我們在公路運輸、海運和工業中增加了天然氣的可用性,從而幫助我們的客戶減少自己的碳足跡。天然氣為實現減排提供了顯著的成本效益選擇。”
????Gasum正在通過建設新工廠和增加從其他運營商的生產工廠采購沼氣來提高沼氣的生產能力和可用性。該公司現在在芬蘭有9家沼氣廠,在瑞典有6家沼氣廠。2020年,它收購了瑞典斯科夫德的沼氣廠(每年40 GWh)。芬蘭的羅赫亞沼氣廠(每年40 GWh)于2021年1月投入商業生產,瑞典尼莫拉沼氣廠(每年75 GWh)將于2021年進入商業生產。
????曹海斌 摘譯自 能源全球
????Gasum plans to significantly increase biogas production
????Gasum is progressing towards carbon neutrality by setting new environmental targets to mitigate climate change. The company seeks to increase the availability of biogas to reach cumulative carbon emission reductions of 1 million t. By 2025, it intends to make 4 TWh of biogas available on the market from the company’s own production and that of certified European partners. In its own operations, Gasum aims to reduce the emissions in liquefied natural gas (LNG) and biogas production chains and to implement energy efficiency measures.
????"Responsibility is a key element in Gasum’s strategy. Together with our partners and customers, we are continuously developing new ways to reduce emissions. Recent years have seen us increase the availability of gas in road transport, maritime and industry, and have thereby helped our customers to reduce their own carbon footprint. Gas delivers significant cost-effective options to reach emission reductions", says Gasum’s Chief Executive Officer, Johanna Lamminen.
????An essential way of reducing emissions is to increase the use of renewable biogas in road and maritime transport and, going forward, increasingly in industry. Gasum aims to boost the availability of biogas by increasing biogas production and procurement to 4 TWh by 2025. This will make it possible to reach cumulative emission reductions of 1 million t. In addition, the company has set the target to reduce the emissions in LNG and biogas production chains by 1%/yr in its own operations, and intends to implement energy efficiency measures by 2025.
????Gasum is boosting biogas production capacity and availability by building new plants and increasing the procurement of biogas from the production plants of other operators. The company now has nine biogas plants in Finland and six in Sweden. In 2020, it acquired a biogas plant (40 GWh/yr) in Sk?vde, Sweden. The Lohja biogas plant (40 GWh/yr) in Finland entered commercial production in January 2021 and the Nym?lla biogas plant (75 GWh/yr) in Sweden will enter commercial production during 2021.
????Biogas is a renewable energy source that can be produced from many kinds of biodegradable waste. Biogas production is a good example of fully utilising raw materials and promoting the circular economy. Use of biogas as a fuel in road transport can help to reduce CO2 emissions by up to 90% compared to fossil diesel. Gasum is one of the largest producers of biogas in the Nordics.
????"Gasum is investing heavily also in the production development of other renewable gases such as synthetic methane and green hydrogen in the Nordics. For example, we are currently working with other energy operators to explore the possibility of building a pilot plant for the production of synthetic methane", says Lamminen.