???? 據世界天然氣網站3月9日消息 意大利埃尼石油天然氣公司達成協議,將其在巴基斯坦實體的股份出售給Prime國際油氣公司。
????該協議包括在Kithar Fold Belt和Middle Indus盆地的八個開發和生產租約的權益,以及在中因蘇德和印度河近海盆地的四個勘探許可證。
????吳恒磊 編譯自 世界天然氣
????Prime International buys Eni’s Pakistan assets
????Italian oil and gas company Eni reached an agreement to sell its shares in its entities in Pakistan to Prime International Oil&Gas Company.
????Prime International Oil&Gas Company is a newly established company formed by former Eni’s local team and Hub Power Company, the first and the largest independent Pakistani power producer.
????The agreement includes interests in eight development and production leases in the Kithar Fold Belt and the Middle Indus Basins, and four exploration licenses in the Middle Insud and the Indus Offshore Basins.
????Eni’s main permits were in Bhit/Badhra (40 per cent of working interest) and Kadanwari (18.42 per cent of working interest). Other shares were in the permits for Latif (33.3 per cent), Zamzama (17.75 per cent), and Sawan (23.7 per cent).
????This move is in line with Eni’s wider strategy of reshaping and simplifying the company’s portfolio, extracting additional value from its strategic assets, and disposing of non-core businesses. This was all defined by the company’s strategic plan.