???? 據3月18日Neftegaz.RU.報道,俄羅斯天然氣工業股份公司和殼牌公司簽署了一項為期5年的戰略合作協議。
????Alexey Miller和Ben van Beurden回顧了俄羅斯天然氣工業股份公司和殼牌公司合作所取得的成果。
????特別討論了Sakhalin 2項目。2020年,該項目生產了超過1160萬噸的液化天然氣,并完成了對客戶的供應。
????Alexey Miller表示:“今天,我們的合作又邁出了新的一步,該協議的簽署證明,我們的共同工作取得了良好的成果,我們確立雄心勃勃的短期和長期目標。毫無疑問,我們積累的經驗為我們今后取得的新成就提供了堅實的基礎。”
????王佳晶 摘譯自 Neftegaz.RU.
????A new 5-year partnership between Gazprom and Shell. The companies updated the agreement on strategic cooperation
????Gazprom and British-Dutch Shell signed an agreement of Strategic Cooperation for a 5-year period.
????The signing ceremony was held via a video link in the presence of Alexey Miller, Gazprom′s CEO, and Ben van Beurden, CEO of Shell.
????The newly signed document expands the interaction between the 2 companies.
????Particular attention will be given to such areas as research of energy markets, implementation of projects along the entire value chain, cooperation in digitalization of technologies, and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
????Alexey Miller and Ben van Beurden reviewed the current achievements brought about by the cooperation between Gazprom and Shell.
????In particular, Sakhalin 2 was discussed.
????Last year, a record-high volume of LNG – over 11.6 million tons – was produced and shipped to customers under the project.
????Special mention was made of the European energy sector decarbonization.
????It was noted that natural gas, due to its eco-friendliness, can play a significant role in meeting Europe's climate goals.
????Alexey Miller said:
????Today, we have made a new step in the development of our cooperation
????The very signing of the Agreement proves that our joint work has brought good results and that we establish ambitious goals for both the short term and the long term.