???? 據世界石油3月29日消息稱,伊拉克石油部長Ihsan Abdul Jabbar在周六播出的一次采訪中告訴《阿沙克新聞》,伊拉克正在與法國石油巨頭道達爾討論一項“巨大”協議,以建設大型基礎設施、開發油田和生產天然氣,
????Abdul Jabbar說,有關條件,包括保護雙方權利的經濟模式的政治和行政決定,已經敲定。
????今年1月,伊拉克與道達爾首席執行官Patrick Pouyanne就獲取天然氣、清潔能源和基礎設施簽署了一份諒解備忘錄。伊拉克和道達爾之間的談判最早是在10月份被報道的。
????預計伊拉克今年還將簽署一項協議,修建一條從南部省份巴士拉(Basra)到約旦紅海沿岸的阿克巴港的石油出口管道。Abdul Jabbar說,框架協議可能在4月中旬之前簽署。
????朱佳妮 摘譯自 世界石油
????Iraq and Total mull $7 billion oil and gas infrastructure deal
????Iraq is discussing a “giant” agreement with French oil giant Total SE to build large infrastructure installations, develop oil fields and produce gas, Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar told Asharq News in an interview that aired on Saturday.
????The minister said he expected the contract to be finalized before July. The relationship with Total will be based on targeting low-carbon industry and capturing all flaring gas, and is set to produce 1GW of solar energy in the first stage. A specialized team from the oil ministry is leading these discussions with Total.
????“The agreement is giant, and the volume of the investment exceeds $7 billion,” the minister said.
????Abdul Jabbar said conditions, including the political and administrative decisions for the economic model that protects the rights of both parties, had been hammered out already.
????In January, Iraq signed a memorandum of understanding with Total CEO Patrick Pouyanne on capturing natural gas, clean energy and infrastructure. Talks between Iraq and Total were first reported in October.
????Iraq this year is also expected to ink a deal to build an oil export pipeline from the southern province of Basra to Jordan’s Aqba port on the Red Sea. A framework agreement may be signed before mid-April, Abdul Jabbar said.
????The minister said Iraq will lower its gasoline and gasoil imports by 50% in 2021 and by 90% in 2022. Iraq will need a very limited volume of gasoil imports to support power generation, he said.
????Iraq’s current gas output stands at 1.5b scf/d and will reach 4b scf/d in 2025. The country in 2010 built gas-fired turbines to generate 20GW, and those plants need 5b scf/d of gas.