???? 據世界天然氣網3月29日消息,根據協議,NFE將每天向CFE位于墨西哥南下加利福尼亞州的CTG La Paz和CTG Baja California Sur電廠提供相當于25萬-50萬加侖的液化天然氣(20,000-40,000 MMBtu)。
????"我們很高興支持CFE向更清潔、更實惠、更可靠的能源轉型,"新堡能源公司董事長兼首席執行官Wes Edens說。
????尹路 編譯自 世界天然氣網
????NFE inks LNG supply deal for Mexican power plants
????Under the agreement, NFE will provide the equivalent of an estimated 250,000-500,000 gallons of LNG (20,000-40,000 MMBtu) per day to CFE’s CTG La Paz and CTG Baja California Sur power plants in Baja California Sur, Mexico.
????“We are pleased to support CFE’s transition to cleaner, more affordable and reliable energy,” said Wes Edens, chairman and CEO of New Fortress Energy.
????NFE will supply natural gas to the plant via the company’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) receiving and regasification terminal in the port of Pichilingue, Baja California Sur, Mexico.
????The terminal is anticipated to be complete and begin the supply of natural gas to CFE in May.