???? 據安迅思3月31日消息稱,路透社報道,豐田已經在澳大利亞墨爾本啟動了一個太陽能氫生產設施。
????豐田已經售出了大約1萬輛未來汽車,主要是銷往日本和美國。豐田澳大利亞未來技術和出行管理經理Matthew MacLeod說道:“在澳大利亞,加油基礎設施一直是引進Mirai等開創性車輛的最大挑戰。因此,這是朝著糾正這一目標邁出的重要一步。”
????根據MRC的消息,意大利Enel集團的可再生能源子公司Enel Green Power (EGP)與Maire Tecnimont(意大利羅馬)已同意在美國共同開發和建設一座綠色制氫工廠。具體地點尚未公布。
????曹海斌 摘譯自 安迅思
????Toyota began producing green hydrogen in Australia
????Toyota has started up a solar-powered hydrogen production facility in Melbourne, Australia, said Reuters.
????The facility will produce up to 80kg/day of hydrogen, for use in commercial and passenger fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs). The hydrogen is produced by a 200kW electrolyser that uses solar-based electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen components.
????The automaker is bringing in 20 of its Mirai hydrogen fuel cell cars to Australia in April, placing them in fleets to gain feedback on how they run. The site west of Melbourne is also its biggest globally in terms of producing, storing and dispensing hydrogen.
????Toyota has sold some 10,000 Mirai vehicles, mostly in Japan and the United States. “Here in Australia, refuelling infrastructure has been the biggest challenge, and still is, to introducing pioneering vehicles like the Mirai. So this is an important step forward to rectifying that,” said Matthew MacLeod, Toyota Australia’s manager of future technologies and mobility.
????Australia is seen as a laggard in the global drive to cut carbon emissions from the transport sector, with no targets or subsidies for cleaner vehicles - even for hybrid or battery electric vehicles, in stark contrast to most other rich nations.
????As per MRC, Enel Green Power (EGP), the renewable energy subsidiary of Italy’s Enel Group, and Maire Tecnimont (Rome, Italy) have agreed to work together on the development and construction of a green hydrogen production plant in the US. A specific location has not been given.