???? 據離岸工程網站4月7日消息 美國油氣巨頭雪佛龍與日本北海道天然氣有限公司簽署協議,將雪佛龍全球液化天然氣業務組合中的液化天然氣輸送至日本北海道地區。
????CUSA旗下的雪佛龍全球天然氣公司總裁John Kuehn表示:“這一新購銷協議代表了雪佛龍與北海道天然氣公司在能源解決方案多樣化和推進北海道地區低碳未來方面的合作承諾。”
????吳恒磊 編譯自 離岸工程
????Chevron, Hokkaido Gas Ink LNG Supply Deal
????U.S. oil and gas major Chevron has signed a deal with Japan's Hokkaido Gas Co., Ltd. for the delivery of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Chevron’s global LNG portfolio to Japan's Hokkaido area.
????Under the agreement, Chevron will supply Hokkaido Gas with about a half million tons of LNG over a period of five years starting April 2022.
????“We are delighted to design and execute a Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA) with our new partner Hokkaido Gas that will bring Chevron LNG directly to Hokkaido, a key growth area. It broadens our customer base in Japan, a market that is foundational to our LNG business.
????"This new SPA represents Chevron’s commitment to collaborate with Hokkaido Gas in diversifying energy solutions and advancing a lower carbon future in the Hokkaido area,” said John Kuehn, President of Chevron Global Gas, a division of CUSA.
????Hokkaido Gas is an integrated energy company located in Sapporo, Japan which provides city gas, electricity and other energy services in Hokkaido region.