據能源信息統計4月13日消息,印度跨國技術,工程,建筑,制造和金融服務公司拿丁集團(Larsen & Toubro)已經開始在沙特阿拉伯吉達東南50公里處建造300兆瓦的吉達太陽能發電廠。該公司獲得了Masdar、EDF可再生能源公司和Nesma公司的工程、采購和建設(EPC)合同。此外,拿丁集團還贏得了由PIF和ACWA Power開發的1.5吉瓦Sudair太陽能光伏項目的EPC訂單。這兩個項目剛剛與沙特阿拉伯簽署了電力購買協議(PPA),這是該國可再生能源采購計劃的第二輪。沙特還簽署其他五個項目,總計1170兆瓦的電力購買協議。
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Saudi Arabia’s 300 MW Jeddah solar power plant enters construction
Larsen & Toubro has started building the 300 MW Jeddah solar power plant, 50 km south-east of Jeddah, in Saudi Arabia. The company was awarded the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract by Masdar, EDF Renewables and Nesma Company. In addition, Larsen & Toubro won an EPC order for the 1.5 GW Sudair solar PV project, developed by PIF and ACWA Power. Both projects have just signed power purchase agreements (PPAs) with Saudi Arabia, in the second round of the country’s procurement scheme for renewable energies. PPAs have been signed with five other projects totalling 1,170 MW.