根據美國聯邦能源監管委員會(Federal Energy Regulatory Commission)日前發布的一份文件,這家英國石油和天然氣巨頭時下正在尋求獲得成為一家面向美國5個州伊利諾伊州、俄亥俄州、得克薩斯州、加利福尼亞州和賓夕法尼亞州家庭和企業的零售電力供應商的許可。
BP 能源零售公司旗下的子公司在美國擁有或控制超過2000兆瓦的風力發電。
李峻 編譯自 彭博新聞社
BP Seeks to Sell Electricity in Five States
BP Plc wants to be your power supplier, too.
The oil and natural gas giant is seeking permission to become a retail electricity provider to homes and businesses initially in Illinois, Ohio, Texas, California and Pennsylvania, according to a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission filing issued last week. BP Energy Retail’s affiliates own or control more than 2,000 megawatts of wind generation.
“It gives BP a huge new branding opportunity,” said Tyson Slocum, director of Public Citizen’s energy program. “They are already a massive power trader. Locking up tens of thousands of retail customers helps boost their trading by locking in a bunch of customers with fixed supply contracts.”
The move isn’t wholly unexpected as the global push to electrify everything from cars to home heating and invest in renewable energy to combat climate change is breaking down traditional energy silos. BP, the largest physical gas marketer in North America, has branded retail gasoline stations across the country and is already a significant wholesale power trader. Two years ago, rival super major Royal Dutch Shell Plc. said it aims to become the world’s single largest power generator.