據世界石油網站5月11日消息 根據GlobalData的數據庫,在與英國石油勘探公司(Epsilon)進行的25.9億美元資產交易的帶動下,中東和非洲的油氣行業在2021年第一季度的交易活動比上四季度的平均水平下降了32.92%。
由托姆公司與Team Tankers Deep Sea 達成的價值1.3213億美元的資產交易;
吳恒磊 編譯自 世界石油
Middle East and Africa’s oil & gas industry deal activity dropped 32.92% in Q1 2021
Led by $2.59 billion asset transaction with BP Exploration (Epsilon), Middle East and Africa’s oil & gas industry saw a drop of 32.92% in deal activity during Q1 2021, when compared to the last four-quarter average, according to GlobalData’s deals database.
A total of 27 deals worth $4.81 billion were announced for the region during Q1 2021, against the last four-quarter average of 40.25 deals.
Of all the deal types, M&A saw most activity in Q1 2021 with 27 deals, representing a 100% share for the region. In terms of value of deals, M&A was the leading category in Middle East and Africa’s oil & gas industry with $4.81 billion.
The top five oil & gas deals accounted for a 94.9% share of the overall value during Q1 2021.
The combined value of the top five deals stood at $4.56bn, against the overall value of $4.81bn recorded for the quarter.
The top five oil & gas industry deals of Q1 2021 tracked by GlobalData were:
PTTEP Mena’s $2.59bn asset transaction with BP Exploration (Epsilon)
The $926m asset transaction with Shell Austria and Shell Egypt by Capricorn Egypt and Cheiron Holdings Egypt
Heirs Holdings and Transnational Corporation of Nigeria’s $802m asset transaction with Eni, Shell Petroleum Development of Nigeria Ltd and Total E&P Nigeria
The $132.13m asset transaction deal with Team Tankers Deep Sea by Torm
Panoro Energy’s acquisition of Tullow Equatorial Guinea for $110m.