據Oil Now 5月12日報道,圭亞那從6年前還沒有已知的石油資源發展到現在擁有90多億桶的石油當量,此時這個南美小國順利成為拉丁美洲三大產油國之一。
陳可可 摘譯自 Oil Now
Proposed, sanctioned offshore developments to deliver over 800,000 bpd by 2025
Guyana has gone from having no known oil resources just 6 years ago to now holding over 9 billion barrels of oil equivalent. The small South American country is now well on its way to becoming one of Latin America’s top three oil producers.So far, a total of three developments have been sanctioned with an application now in for a fourth. Total output from these projects will push Guyana’s production beyond 800,000 bpd by 2025.ExxonMobil, operator of the 6.6 million acres Stabroek Block, anticipates around 10 FPSOs will be needed to develop the current estimated recoverable resources on the block.