據今日油價網站5月13日消息 在短短一年時間里,全球最大的鋰生產商從對價格的謹慎樂觀和對擴張項目的非常謹慎轉變為果斷看好關鍵電池金屬的近期、中期和長期需求。
王磊 摘譯自 今日油價
The World Is Facing A Lithium Supply Crunch As Demand Soars
In just one year, the world’s largest lithium producers turned from cautiously optimistic about prices and very careful about expansion projects to decisively bullish on near, medium, and long-term demand for the key battery metal.
The pandemic prompted many governments to commit to greener recovery and to raising significantly the share of renewable energy and electric vehicles (EVs), stoking demand for critical minerals this year. Lithium, alongside copper, has seen prices rising since automakers started pledging all-EV lineups and exponential growth in their electric car offerings.
Rising immediate demand for lithium and expectations of surging demand in the longer term have increased sales of the top lithium producers, which are now much more bullish on lithium prices and demand, both for the short term and the long run.
Amid the most bullish expectations about the lithium market in years, analysts warn that even the increased project pipeline may not be sufficient to meet the booming demand for lithium—a critical battery metal—in the energy transition. Experts and forecasters also warn that rising raw material prices in the current commodity bull run could actually slow down the energy transition because it could slow the decline in battery costs. Lower battery costs would be critical to EVs reaching price parity with conventional vehicles and allowing for more energy storage deployment to support the rising share of renewables in the electricity generation mix.