據世界天然氣網6月3日消息 Fluxys、安賽樂米塔爾、北海港和比利時能源部長在北海港比利時部分就氫氣、二氧化碳和生態系統基礎設施展開了合作。
吳恒磊 編譯自 世界天然氣
North Sea Port to get hydrogen pipeline network
Fluxys, ArcelorMittal, North Sea Port, and Belgian energy minister join forces on hydrogen, CO2, and ecosystem infrastructure at the Belgian part of North Sea Port.
The pipelines for hydrogen, CO2, and heat planned by the Belgian energy minister, port authority, gas infrastructure company and industry player, represent a step towards the energy transition and carbon neutrality in the port and in the region.
Via these pipelines, companies that deal with hydrogen, CO2, and heat will be able to connect with companies that use these as raw materials in their production processes. This way, supply is matched with demand, which is said to be a crucial step in the development of a Belgian hydrogen hub.