據油價網5月31日報道,繼去年美國頁巖領域出現了一些巨額交易,康菲石油與康喬資源(Concho Resources)合并,雪佛龍收購德文能源(Devon Energy)等之后,看來今年的并購趨勢將延續。事實上,整合很可能是該行業前進的唯一道路。Cimarex首席執行官在本月早些時候宣布與Cabot Oil& Gas公司的全股票合并后表示:“這是我們度過業務周期的更好方式?!薄度A爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)援引托馬斯?喬登(Thomas Jorden)的話稱,我們行業的需求,在向所有者返還自由現金流方面,(告訴我們)我們現金流的這種波動是毒藥,這是對抗波動的一劑妙藥。
郝芬 譯自 油價網
The U.S. Shale Patch Could Be In For Another Wave of Mergers
After last year saw some huge deals in the U.S. shale space, with ConocoPhillips merging with Concho Resources and Chevron buying Devon Energy, among others, it looks that this year will see a continuation of the M&A trend. Indeed, it is likely that consolidation is the only way forward for the industry. "It's a better way to ride through the cycles in our business," said the chief executive of Cimarex following the announcement of its all-stock merger with Cabot Oil& Gas Corp earlier this month. "The demands of our sector, in terms of returning free cash flow to our owners, [tell us that] these swings in our cash flow are poison, and this is just a wonderful antidote to volatility," Thomas Jorden said as quoted by the Wall Street Journal.
Shale oil shareholders have indeed become more demanding about returns lately, and the pandemic-driven crisis that shook the industry last year only served to sharpen these demands and prompted shale companies to reorganize their priorities. This time, unlike last time, they seem to be willing to stick with the new agenda. But it requires further consolidation.
During the last downturn in 2014 to 2016, shale producers also promised to rein in production growth and return more cash to shareholders. But as soon as prices began to rebound, growth was once again number one on their priority lists. This is no longer the case. The recent slump was much more severe, and this time, there is additional pressure on the industry from the energy transition camp that is changing the makeup of energy companies' shareholders.
For now, activist shareholders vying for board seats to make oil and gas companies mend their ways and stop being so much about oil and gas are targeting the supermajors. However, it is only a matter of time before they spread to independents, too, as the energy transition agenda reshapes the whole investment business. This will only add to the challenges of U.S. shale oil, among them costs and production control.