據ICIS網站6月1日消息 巴斯夫和三井化學兩家公司在周二的聯合聲明中表示,已經開始了一項合作研究,以促進日本的化學品回收。
三井化學執行總裁Akio Hirahara表示:“將巴斯夫在化學品回收方面的專業知識與我們在日本的資產相結合,例如我們的技術和乙烯裂解裝置,將是為在日本建立循環經濟作出貢獻的一個重要步驟?!?/p>
王磊 摘譯自 ICIS
BASF, Mitsui Chemicals starts study to promote chemical recycling
BASF and Mitsui Chemicals have started a collaborative study to promote chemical recycling in Japan, the two firms said in a joint statement on Tuesday.
"BASF and Mitsui Chemicals will evaluate collaborative business models and various options to commercialize chemical recycling in Japan to address the local challenge of plastic waste recycling," they said in a statement.
From 2025, BASF aims to process 250,000 tonnes of recycled feedstock annually, replacing fossil raw materials.
“Combining BASF’s expertise in chemical recycling with our assets in Japan, such as our technologies and ethylene crackers, will be a major step to contribute towards building a circular economy in Japan," said Akio
Hirahara, the managing executive officer of Mitsui Chemicals.
As part of their cooperation, BASF and Mitsui Chemicals also plan to accelerate discussions with related ministries, agencies, and industry groups for implementation of chemical recycling in Japan, and promote the effective and efficient use of recycled materials in the country.