,據新能源6月14日報道,加拿大Tourmaline石油公司已簽署協議,將以11億加元(合計9.087億美元)收購私營Black Swan能源公司,其中包括承擔其2.88億美元的債務。
該交易是Tourmaline對North Montney持續整合戰略的一部分,該公司將其視為供應加拿大液化天然氣的重要子盆地。
該天然氣生產商預計,未來十年,North Montney將成為整個加拿大西部沉積盆地的主要增長動力。
預計該交易將支持Tourmaline在2022年成為一家50萬桶油當量/天(boepd)的公司,預計2022年中期天然氣產量為22.5 - 23億立方英尺/天(bcf/天)。
Tourmaline表示:“Black Swan的收購是對Tourmaline核心開發的補充,再加上最近的Polar Star、Chinook和Saguaro交易,將使Tourmaline成為目前North Montney最大的生產商,并擁有最廣泛的未來鉆井和項目清單。
通過此次收購,Tourmaline還將增加關鍵的天然氣處理和運輸基礎設施,包括在更大 Aitken的兩個新Black Swan天然氣工廠的經營權和50%的開采權益。
Black Swan的收購預計將補充Tourmaline核心的Gundy開發,在2022年,將其North Montney的產量擴大到大約17.5萬桶/天。
Scotia和Stifel FirstEnergy在該交易中擔任Tourmaline的財務顧問,而Peters & Co.則擔任Black Swan的財務顧問。
去年11月,Tourmaline宣布以價值約6.26億加元(合計4.763億美元)的全股票交易收購加拿大天然氣公司Jupiter Resources。
祝精燕 摘譯自 新能源
Canada’s Tourmaline to acquire Black Swan Energy for $908m
Canada’s Tourmaline Oil has signed an agreement to acquire privately owned Black Swan Energy for C$1.1bn ($908.7m), including the assumption of $288n debt.
The transaction is part of the Tourmaline’s ongoing consolidation strategy for North Montney, which the company sees as an important sub-basin to supply Canadian LNG.
The natural gas producer expects the North Montney to emerge as a major growth driver in the entire Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin for the next decade.
The transaction is expected to support Tourmaline in becoming a 500,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) company during 2022, with anticipated mid-2022 gas production of 2.25-2.30 billion cubic feet per day (bcf/day).
Tourmaline stated: “The Black Swan acquisition complements Tourmaline’s core Gundy development and, along with the more recent Polar Star, Chinook, and Saguaro transactions, will establish Tourmaline as the largest current North Montney producer with the most extensive future drilling and project inventory.
“As a Senior Canadian producer, Tourmaline now expects to average approximately 500,000 boepd of production by mid-2022.”
Upon completion of the transaction, Tourmaline is expected add average production of over 50,000boepd.
The acquisition also includes existing 2P reserves of 491.9 million boe, 1,600 Montney horizontal internally estimated drilling locations, and 230,000 net acres of Montney rights.
All the reserves included in the transaction are located in the Aitken core development area.
With the acquisition, Tourmaline will also add key gas processing and transportation infrastructure that comprises operatorship and 50% working interest in the two new Black Swan gas plants at greater Aitken.
The Black Swan acquisition is expected to complement Tourmaline’s core Gundy Development, expanding its North Montney production to approximately 175,000boepd during 2022.