據全球能源新聞網6月23日報道,日前,貝克休斯(Baker Hughes)和挪威工業集群碳捕獲和封存開發商博格二氧化碳公司(Borg CO2 AS )宣布了一項諒解備忘錄 (MOU),將合作開展碳捕獲和封存項目,以作為挪威維肯地區工業場地脫碳的樞紐。該項目旨在捕獲和儲存所涉及工業場所高達 90% 的二氧化碳排放量,為實現巴黎協定目標、聯合國可持續發展目標和挪威國家減排目標發揮重要作用。
博格二氧化碳及其合作伙伴已經完成了第一項可行性研究,并正在進行一項擴展可行性研究 (pre-FEED),該研究將于2021年底完成,貝克休斯公司將通過其碳捕獲技術和工程服務組合為該樞紐的研究和開發提供支持。此外,貝克休斯和博格二氧化碳將聯合評估碳捕集工廠實施的最佳結構,并在挪威和歐盟層面尋求贈款和激勵機會。
博格二氧化碳的“產業集群”方法為貝克休斯提供了一個絕佳的機會,可以測試和擴展其廣泛的碳捕集、利用和封存 (CCUS) 技術組合,包括其冷凍氨工藝 (CAP) 和緊湊型碳捕集等多種類型的工藝 (CCC) 解決方案。
博格二氧化碳董事總經理兼博格港港務局長Tore Lundestad表示,憑借貝克休斯公司的技術能力和經驗支持我們,我們相信博格二氧化碳公司能夠更好地朝著商業化方向邁出下一步,實現我們的項目目標。像這樣的項目展示了一種雙贏的方法,即永久性儲存與可持續利用少量生物源二氧化碳的可能性相結合,將有助于實現凈零排放,并與工業設施可能通過出售負二氧化碳排放獲得收入。
郝芬 譯自 全球能源新聞網
Baker Hughes and Borg CO2 AS, a Norwegian carbon capture and storage developer for industrial clusters, have announced a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to collaborate on a carbon capture and storage project to serve as a hub for the decarbonization of industrial sites in the Viken region of Norway. The project aims to capture and store up to 90% of the CO2 emissions from the involved industrial sites, playing an important role in contributing to the Paris Agreement goals, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Norwegian national emissions reduction targets.
The Borg CO2 project includes several industry partners, as well as the Port of Borg, and aims to capture and store emissions from industrial facilities located in the cities of Fredrikstad, Sarpborg and Halden. The combined industrial cluster is currently responsible for approximately 700,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually. After being captured, the CO2 will be liquified, shipped and eventually stored underneath the seabed of the North Sea.
Borg CO2 and its partners have completed a first feasibility study and are proceeding with an extended feasibility study (pre-FEED) to be completed by the end of 2021 which Baker Hughes will support with its portfolio of carbon capture technologies and engineering services for the study and development of the hub. In addition, Baker Hughes and Borg CO2 will jointly evaluate the optimal structure for implementation of the carbon capture plants and pursue grant and incentive opportunities both in Norway and at the EU level.
Borg CO2’s “industrial cluster” approach provides a prime opportunity for Baker Hughes to test and scale its wide-ranging carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technologies portfolio on several types of processes including its Chilled Ammonia Process (CAP) and Compact Carbon Capture (CCC) solutions.
“With the technology competencies and experience of Baker Hughes supporting us, we believe that Borg CO2 is better positioned to take the next steps towards commercialization and achieve our goals for the project,” said Tore Lundestad, managing director of Borg CO2 and Harbour Master for the port of Borg. “A project like this showcases a win-win approach where permanent storage combined with the possibility of sustainable usage of smaller volumes of biogenic CO2 will help to achieve net-zero, and with the industrial facilities potentially receiving revenue by selling negative CO2 emissions”.
The Baker Hughes CCUS portfolio features advanced turbomachinery, solvent-based state-of-the-art capture processes, well construction and management for CO2 storage, and advanced digital monitoring solutions. Baker Hughes has a longstanding presence in Norway with six facilities and approximately 2,000 employees.
Borg CO2 AS is a Norwegian Limited Liability Company. Its purpose is to develop carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology, primarily for industrial facilities in Viken (?stfold), Norway. Since 2018, it has worked on mapping the opportunity to develop CCS for an industrial cluster and has recently finished a complete feasibility study.