據世界天然氣網站6月23日消息 挪威國家電力公司和公用事業公司Skagerak Energi被選為海德堡水泥公司和費列斯基公司計劃的零排放船的綠色氫氣供應商。
Egil Ulvan Rederi AS被選為航運公司。
挪威國家電力公司和Skagerak Energi在10多家供應商的競爭中贏得了綠色氫氣的交付合同。
挪威國家電力公司執行副總裁Birgitte Ringstad Vartdal表示:“該合同是我們努力將挪威國家電力公司打造成挪威和瑞典領先的氫氣生產商的一個重要里程碑,與我們在海上和陸地運輸氫氣方面的一系列其他舉措非常吻合。”
王磊 摘譯自 世界天然氣
Norway’s duo to supply green hydrogen to zero-emission cargo ship
Norwegian hydropower company Statkraft and utility company Skagerak Energi have been chosen as suppliers of green hydrogen to the zero-emission ship planned by HeidelbergCement and Felleskj?pet.
The vessel in question is said to be the world’s first hydrogen-powered cargo ship.
HeidelbergCement and Felleskj?pet announced a tender to supply green hydrogen for a zero-emission bulkship through the Green Shipping Program.
The ship is to operate between Eastern Norway to Western Norway using emission-free green hydrogen in the combination with rotor sails.
Egil Ulvan Rederi AS has been chosen as the shipping company.
Statkraft and Skagerak Energi won the contract for delivery of green hydrogen amongst the competition of more than ten suppliers.
“This contract is an important milestone in our efforts to establish Statkraft as a leading hydrogen producer in Norway and Sweden and fits well with the series of other initiatives we have on hydrogen for sea and land transport,“ said Birgitte Ringstad Vartdal, executive vice president at Statkraft.