電力部門轉型和可迅速恢復傳輸項目將確保烏茲別克斯坦數百萬家庭和企業獲得可靠的能源供應。 這個項目得到了來自國際開發協會(世界銀行集團的一部分)的3.8億美元的信貸支持,以及可持續可再生能源風險緩解倡議基金下的綠色氣候基金(GCF)的4300萬美元貸款支持。
烏茲別克斯坦的政府將以極低的利率和長達40年的長期還款期獲得這筆資金。 GCF還將提供400萬美元贈款,用于資助選定的項目活動。
李峻 編譯自 阿拉伯貿易網
World Bank approves $380m project to support Uzbekistan’s clean energy transition
Uzbekistan’s Ministry of Energy has announced that a new $380 million project to enhance the performance of the National Electric Grids of Uzbekistan (NEGU) has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors.
The Electricity Sector Transformation And Resilient Transmission Project will ensure reliable energy supplies to millions of households and businesses across Uzbekistan. It is supported by $380 million in credit from the International Development Association (part of the World Bank Group), and a $43 million loan from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) under the Sustainable Renewables Risk Mitigation Initiative Facility.
The government of Uzbekistan will receive this financing at very low interest rates and a long repayment period, of up to 40 years. The GCF will also provide a $4 million grant to cover selected project activities.
The project aims to support Uzbekistan in its clean energy transition by improving the transmission network’s capacity to integrate renewable energy produced by the private sector.