莫斯科時下正在考慮一項提高原油產量的提議,但利雅得方面表示,沙特阿拉伯更傾向于采取循序漸進的方式。 這已經不是兩位領導者第一次帶著不同的立場參加會議了——他們傾向于敲定一個妥協方案。 一名代表預測,這次會議也會發生同樣的事情。
由于油價攀升至約兩年半來的最高水平,分析師普遍預計歐佩克+將利用去年關閉的大量產能。 分析師平均預期為每天增加55萬桶,約為閑置產能的10%。
倫敦時間6月30日上午9點35分,布倫特原油價格下跌0.3%,至每桶74.52美元。 盡管由于人們越來越擔心德爾塔毒株的傳染性更強,本周油價有所下降,但今年仍上漲了44%。
李峻 編譯自 彭博新聞社
OPEC+ Delays Talks
OPEC and its allies delayed preliminary talks between ministers by a day to allow more time for a compromise before a critical meeting on Thursday, according to two delegates.
The coalition, led by Saudi Arabia and Russia, is considering whether to continue reviving more crude supplies as global demand bounces back from the coronavirus pandemic.
Moscow is weighing a proposal to hike output, but Riyadh has signaled it prefers a gradual approach. It’s not the first time the two leaders have gone into the meeting with different stances -- and they tend to hash out a compromise. One delegate predicted the same would happen this time.
“OPEC countries are cautious with regard to output-increase strategy amid oil market challenges,” Kuwait’s Oil Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday. “Any decision the organization will take will be in the interests of producers and consumers.”
As oil prices have climbed to the highest level in around 2-1/2 years, analysts widely expect the group to tap some of the vast capacity it shuttered last year. The average expectation is for an increase of 550,000 barrels a day -- roughly 10% of the volume that remains idle.
“The choice OPEC+ now faces is whether to consolidate those gains and allow prices to stabilize, or to let prices rise further, attracting mounting ire from consumers,” analysts at Standard Chartered Plc, including Sudakshina Unnikrishnan, said in a note Tuesday.