據路透社7月6日報道,周二,隨著油價升至2018年以來的最高水平,以及澳大利亞央行(Reserve Bank of Australia)成為最新一家退出大規模疫情刺激計劃的主要央行,歐元區政府債券收益率小幅上升。
德國商業銀行(Commerzbank)利率策略師Christoph Rieger在談到周一的美國假日時表示,"隨著油價飆升和可能樂觀的宏觀數據,美國假期結束,市場活動將升溫。德國公債收益率目前仍有風險,而歐洲央行持續買入公債應能限制下跌。"
與此同時,澳大利亞央行(Reserve Bank of Australia)表示,至少在11月中旬之前,將繼續以每周40億澳元的速度購買政府債券,而不是目前的每周50億澳元。
王佳晶 摘譯自 路透社
Euro zone bond yields creep up, oil prices in focus
Euro zone government bond yields edged up on Tuesday as oil prices rose to their highest levels since 2018 and the Reserve Bank of Australia became the latest major central bank to step back from aggressive pandemic-induced stimulus.
Oil prices extended gains to near $80 a barrel after Ministers of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and its allies, a group known as OPEC+, abandoned oil output talks.
That put the focus back on the outlook for inflation, which some believe is set for a sustained push higher globally while others argue is temporary as the economy recovers from the COVID-19 shock.
“Market activity is set to pick up with the U.S. returning from holiday amid high-flying oil and likely upbeat macro data,” said Commerzbank rate strategist Christoph Rieger, referring to Monday’s U.S. holiday.
“Bund yields remain exposed for now while persistent ECB (European Central Bank) purchases should limit the downside.”
In early trade, Germany’s benchmark 10-year Bund yield was up around a basis point at -0.20%, with other 10-year yields in the bloc up a similar amount.
Late on Monday, a key measure of euro zone inflation expectations -- the five-year, five-year inflation forward -- rose to about 1.61%, its highest since May 19.
The Reserve Bank of Australia meanwhile said it would continue purchasing government bonds past the present September deadline at a weekly pace of A$4 billion, rather than the current A$5 billion until at least mid-November.
That slowdown in the pace of purchases is the latest reminder to bond investors that central banks now have their eyes on exiting massive stimulus schemes put in place after the COVID-crisis erupted last year.
The German ZEW sentiment survey is released later in the day, while Germany and Austria are expected to sell new bonds. France meanwhile could come to the market with a syndicated bond deal, analysts said.