能源部長Diego Mesa在接受采訪時說,荷蘭皇家殼牌公司計劃今年在加勒比地區進行鉆探,而埃克森美孚公司、雷普索爾和國家控制的 Ecopetrol SA 公司將在 2022 年效仿。
Mesa 預計產量將從現在反彈,全年平均為 79萬桶/日。他說,油價的上漲鼓勵了更多的陸上鉆探。
該國今年還有 32 個陸上和海上區塊可供爭奪,其中包括太平洋的“前沿盆地”。Mesa 預計最終將簽約10-15 個區塊。
曹海斌 摘譯自 世界石油
Colombia anticipates new offshore oil exploration to reverse crude output decline
Oil majors are gearing up to explore off the coast of Colombia, offering hope to a country struggling to reverse declines in reserves and output of its biggest export.
Royal Dutch Shell Plc is planning to drill this year in the Caribbean, while Exxon Mobil Corp., Repsol SA and state-controlled Ecopetrol SA will follow suit in 2022, Energy Minister Diego Mesa said in an interview.
“International oil companies are more focused on the offshore potential,” Mesa said. “They are working on getting the rigs for next year.” Spokespeople for Exxon and Repsol didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.
Colombia’s exploration is part of a wider effort by major oil companies operating in South America to hunt for massive offshore fields, in contrast to Europe, where some of the same companies have scaled back crude investments in the North Sea to plow money into renewable energy. Deep-water drilling is on the rise in Brazil, Suriname and Guyana this year with rig fleets growing.
While explorers including Petroleo Brasileiro SA have struck oil and gas in Colombia’s deep waters, none of the fields have been brought into production yet. The success of further exploration and development is key to offsetting the decline in conventional oil fields on land that has been in production for decades.
Mesa expects output to rebound from here and average 790,000 for the year. The rise in oil prices has encouraged more onshore drilling, he said.
The country also has 32 onshore and offshore blocks up for grabs this year, including “frontier basins” in the Pacific. Mesa expects 10-15 blocks to eventually be awarded.
Colombia expects to award renewable energy contracts in October for projects with at least 5 megawatts of capacity to supply industrial users and large corporations starting in 2023.?