????隨著接種疫苗和放松經濟限制促使更多美國人恢復新冠肺炎疫情大流行前的生活方式,汽油需求已重新站穩了腳步。 今年油價上漲了近50%,美國煉油廠為滿足燃料需求幾乎開足了馬力。 雖然美國經濟復蘇步伐加快,但全球最大的石油生產國無法就如何供應市場達成一致,潛在的不利因素仍然存在,沙特阿拉伯主張適度增加供應。
????需求的移動平均數也出現攀升,達到了2019年末以來的最高水平。 但季節性數據仍比2019年7月低約15萬桶/天,表明市場仍有一些復蘇空間。
????盡管汽油價格處于2014年以來的最高水平,美國的駕車者還是大量上路。 據美國汽車俱樂部(AAA)公布的數據,美國境內7月8日的平均汽油價格為每加侖3.14美元。
????李峻 編譯自 彭博新聞社
????USA Gasoline Demand Hits Record High
????Gasoline demand surged to a a record high as Americans took to the road for the July 4th holiday weekend.
????Gasoline supplied, a proxy for demand, rose to 10 million barrels a day the week ended July 2, the highest in data going back to 1990, according to the Energy Information Administration.
????Demand has regained its footing as vaccinations and easing economic restrictions propel more Americans to resume their pre-pandemic lifestyles. Oil prices have risen almost 50% this year as U.S. refineries run close to full-bore to keep up with fuel demand. While the U.S. recovery quickens, the world’s largest oil producers can’t agree on how to supply the market with Saudi Arabia advocating for tempered supply increases given the potential headwinds that still exist.
????“Demand is bucking with the price spikes and summer driving, but with high gas prices and inflation, the picture in September may look different,” said Trisha Curtis, co-founder of PetroNerds.
????The moving average for demand also climbed higher, reaching the most since late 2019. But on a seasonal basis the figure was still about 150,000 barrels a day short of July 2019, suggesting the market still has some room to recover.
????U.S. motorists hit the road in large numbers despite contending with the highest gasoline prices since 2014. The average pump price Thursday was $3.14 a gallon, according to auto club AAA.