據能源世界網7月8日倫敦報道,荷蘭皇家殼牌( Royal Dutch Shell )周三表示,將通過股票回購或派息來提高對股東的回報,此前石油和天然氣價格的大幅上漲幫助該公司減少了債務。
該公司在季度業績發布前的一份交易聲明中表示,將從第二季度開始,將向股東分配的現金流比例提高到 20 %-30 %。
摩根大通(JP Morgan)分析師christstyan Malek在一份報告中表示,“股東回報增加”是一個重要的里程碑,突顯了殼牌自由現金流主張的優勢,并向市場發出了一個重要信息。
郝芬 譯自 能源世界網
Royal Dutch Shell to boost shareholder returns after oil price rise
Royal Dutch Shell on Wednesday said it would boost its returns to shareholders via share buybacks or dividends after a sharp rise in oil and gas prices helped it reduce debt.
It will increase its distribution to shareholders to 20% to 30% of cash flow from operations beginning in the second quarter, the company said in a trading statement ahead of its quarterly results.
The move, which comes earlier than many analysts had expected, was due to "strong operational and financial delivery, combined with an improved macroeconomic outlook."
Shell previously said it would boost returns once its net debt dropped below $65 billion. The company said on Wednesday it would "retire" the target without specifying whether it had hit it.
"In the second quarter, Shell expects to have further reduced its net debt, although the extent of the reduction will be moderated by working capital movements," it said.
Analysts had largely expected Shell to increase distribution towards the end of the year, but a strong rise in oil and natural gas prices in recent months accelerated the timetable.
The shareholder returns increase "is an important milestone that highlights the strength of Shell's free cashflow proposition and sends an important message to the market," JP Morgan analyst Christyan Malek said in a note.
In the first quarter, the company raised its dividend after profits rose to $3.23 billion.
Shell, which is in the midst of a strategic shift aimed at lowering its greenhouse gas emissions, said it would stick to its spending plans that would remain below $22 billion in 2021.
Despite the higher oil and gas prices, Shell said its liquefied natural gas (LNG) trading operations, the world's largest, were "significantly below average" in the second quarter and similar to the previous quarter.
Oil products sales are expected to be between 4 to 5 million barrels per day, still well below pre-pandemic levels.