EIA預計今年美國干氣日產量將從去年的958.1億立方英尺上升到969.9億立方英尺,2022年將升至996.3億立方英尺。 相比之下,2019年為930.6億立方英尺。
EIA在報告中還預計,今年美國天然氣日消費量將從去年的832.5億立方英尺下降至823.2億立方英尺,然后在2022年升至828.7億立方英尺。 這與2019年851.5億立方英尺的創紀錄高位形成了鮮明對比。
李峻 編譯自 天然氣加工
U.S. natural gas production to rise in 2021 as demand falls
U.S. natural gas production will increase in 2021 and demand will fall, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said in its Short Term Energy Outlook (STEO).
The EIA projected dry gas production will rise to 96.99 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd) in 2021 from 95.81 bcfd in 2020 before rising to 99.63 bcfd in 2022. That compares with 93.06 bcfd in 2019.
The agency also projected gas consumption would fall to 82.32 bcfd in 2021 from 83.25 bcfd in 2020, and then rise to 82.87 bcfd in 2022. That compares with a record high of 85.15 bcfd in 2019.
The EIA's projections for 2021 in July were higher for supply and lower for demand than its June forecasts of 92.18 bcfd for supply and 82.85 bcfd for demand.