阿布扎比國家石油公司(ADNOC)日前宣布與3家日本公司(Inpex Corporation (Inpex)、Jera和國有的日本石油、天然氣和金屬國家公司(JOGMEC))達成聯合研究協議(JSA),以探索阿聯酋藍氨生產的商業潛力。
該協議建立在ADNOC在低碳燃料方面的領導地位和在碳捕獲和存儲方面的豐富經驗的基礎上,阿聯酋工業和先進技術部長、ADNOC董事總經理兼集團首席執行官Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber博士與日本經濟產業省(METI) Kajiyama Hiroshi舉行了虛擬會議。
Al Jaber博士說:“近50年來,阿聯酋和日本一直享有根深蒂固和成功的戰略關系,其基礎是長期的能源合作伙伴關系。隨著我們越來越關注新型低碳燃料的潛力,并順利完成能源轉型,阿聯酋和ADNOC渴望建立和加強我們現有的伙伴關系,抓住與日本的增長機遇,以幫助生產更多的能源,減少排放。
阿聯酋正努力擴大與日本的雙邊經貿關系,以推動新冠肺炎疫情后的經濟增長,而 ADNOC 正在利用其作為日本長期可靠和穩定的石油和天然氣供應商的地位來培育兩國之間新的伙伴關系機會。日本是ADNOC最大的國際石油和天然氣產品進口國,約25%的原油從阿聯酋進口。
曹海斌 摘譯自 阿拉伯貿易
ADNOC in tie-up to explore blue ammonia production
The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) has announced a joint study agreement (JSA) with three Japanese companies to explore the commercial potential of blue ammonia production in the UAE.
The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) has announced a joint study agreement (JSA) with three Japanese companies – Inpex Corporation (Inpex), Jera and state-owned Japan Oil, Gas and metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) – to explore the commercial potential of blue ammonia production in the UAE.
The agreement builds on ADNOC’s low-carbon fuels leadership and extensive experience in carbon capture and storage and follows a virtual meeting between Dr Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, UAE Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology and Managing Director and Group CEO of ADNOC, and Kajiyama Hiroshi, Japan Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI).
During the meeting, the ministers reviewed joint efforts between both countries to enhance industrial cooperation and drive new opportunities for partnerships in hydrogen, renewables, and climate change following a series of framework agreements ADNOC signed with Japan’s METI as well as other Japanese companies earlier this year.
Dr Al Jaber said: “For almost five decades, the UAE and Japan have enjoyed a deep-rooted and successful strategic relationship, underpinned by long-standing energy partnerships. As we increase our focus on the potential of new lower carbon fuels and navigate the energy transition, the UAE and ADNOC are keen to build and strengthen our existing partnerships and seize growth opportunities with Japan that can help produce more energy with fewer emissions.
“This joint study agreement with Inpex, Jera and JOGMEC provides a roadmap for us to deepen access to Japanese markets for ADNOC’s products and further strengthen the UAE’s hydrogen value proposition.”
The UAE is aiming to expand bilateral economic and trade relations with Japan as it drives post-Covid economic growth and ADNOC is leveraging its status as a long-standing reliable and stable supplier of oil and gas to Japan to nurture new partnership opportunities between both countries. Japan is ADNOC’s largest international importer of oil and gas products with approximately 25% of its crude oil imported from the UAE.?