OPEC中最大的產(chǎn)油國沙特和非OPEC小產(chǎn)油國阿曼都是 OPEC +聯(lián)盟的成員國,該聯(lián)盟還包括俄羅斯等其他國家。
郝芬 譯自 ICIS-MRC
Saudi Arabia and Oman call for continued oil cooperation between OPEC and aliies to stabilise oil market
Saudi Arabia and Oman called for continued cooperation between OPEC and other allied producers to stabilise and balance the oil market, reported Reuters with reference to the Gulf states' joint statement.
Saudi Arabia, the biggest oil producer in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, and Oman, a small non-OPEC producer, are both part of the OPEC+ alliance, which includes other nations such as Russia.
OPEC+ scrapped talks last week to adjust their agreement on oil output curbs after a dispute between Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, another OPEC producer in the Gulf. The dispute halted plans to pump more oil into the market where crude prices have recently hit 2-1/2 year highs.