據8月11日FXstreet報道,布倫特原油價格承壓,每周相對強弱指數(RSI)目前處于一個明顯的峰值,預示著價格可能也會出現峰值。瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)策略師警告稱,一旦跌破每桶67.44美元的7月低點,價格將進一步下跌至每桶64.57美元,而200日均線在每桶62.40美元左右,買家預計會在這個區間買入。
相對強弱指標(Relative Strength Index,簡稱RSI),也稱相對強弱指數、相對力度指數。RSI是一種技術分析工具,用于比較數天內某種金融工具價格上漲的平均幅度相對其價格下降的平均幅度。該指數不比較兩種證券的相對強弱,而只比較單一金融工具本身價格波動的強弱。運用該指數可找到超買和超賣的信號,以及作為指數的變化方向與金融工具價格變化方向間出現背離的警示。例如,當金融工具的價格下跌而相對強弱指數在上升時,這就是買入的信號。
王佳晶 摘譯自 FXstreet
Brent Oil to suffer a steep decline on a break below the $67.44 July low – Credit Suisse
Brent Crude Oil remains under pressure with weekly RSI momentum now holding a clear top to warn of a potential price top also. Strategists at Credit Suisse warn of a deeper fall on a break below the $67.44 July low.
Move above $72.43 is needed to ease the pressure off
“Below the $67.44 July low would warn of a more serious break lower, for a move to $64.57 next, with scope for the 200-day average at $62.40, with buyers then expected here.”
“Above $72.43 is needed to ease the pressure off the $67.44 July low for a recovery back to the top of the range at $75.78/77.84.”
“Weekly RSI momentum holds a top and a bearish divergence, increasing the risk for a top in the market also.”