據世界天然氣網8月11日消息 俄羅斯最大的獨立天然氣生產商諾瓦泰克在越南河內設立了業務處,向越南市場供應液化天然氣。
吳恒磊 編譯自 世界天然氣
Russian Novatek expands its LNG supply to Vietnam
Russia’s largest independent natural gas producer Novatek has established its representative office in Hanoi to supply LNG to the Vietnamese market.
Novatek set the representative office to push its expansion into the global gas markets. Also, providing continuous support for the company’s energy projects in Vietnam is a reason.
Therefore, its main goal will be to interact with partners, state-owned and private companies of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Together they will define and develop new projects to supply LNG from Novatek’s portfolio.