對于總部位于巴黎的IEA來說,這是一個明顯的逆轉。就在一個月前,該機構還敦促歐佩克+聯盟打開閥門增加供應,否則全球將面臨油價破壞性飆升的風險。 這個石油卡特爾注意到了增加石油供應的呼聲,而現在正是消費放緩之際。
8月迄今油價已下跌6%。 布倫特原油期貨目前接近每桶71美元,7月初曾觸及近78美元的兩年高位。
李峻 編譯自 彭博社
IEA Cuts Oil Demand Outlook on Virus
The International Energy Agency cut forecasts for global oil demand “sharply” for the rest of this year as the resurgent pandemic hits major consumers, and predicted a new surplus in 2022.
It’s a marked reversal for the Paris-based agency, which just a month ago was urging the OPEC+ alliance to open the taps or risk a damaging spike in prices. The oil cartel heeded calls to hike supply, which is now arriving just as consumption slackens.
The analysis also jars with Wednesday’s call from the U.S. -- the IEA’s most influential member -- for the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies to ramp production up faster.
“The immediate boost from OPEC+ is colliding with slower demand growth and higher output from outside the alliance, stamping out lingering suggestions of a near-term supply crunch or super cycle,” the IEA said in its monthly report.
Brent futures are trading near $71 a barrel, having hit a two-year high near $78 in early July.