據ICIS 8月5日消息,英國石油巨頭BP公司周四表示,該公司已與4家潛在客戶簽署協議,將在?英格蘭東北部的提賽德(Teesside)建設清潔氫生產設施。
BP與日本三菱化學公司的諒解備忘錄?的范圍是為其在提賽德的甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)工廠(前身為 Lucite 國際公司)?提供清潔氫。
英國Sembcorp能源公司是位于提賽德工業園區Wilton International公用事業和服務基礎設施的所有者和經營者,BP與該公司的協議旨在旨在將清潔氫氣供應范圍擴大到其熱電聯產工廠,并在 Wilton International 開發氫基礎設施以允許向第三方供應氫氣。
裘寅 編譯自 ICIS
BP signs MoUs with more customers for proposed UK hydrogen facility
BP has signed agreements with four potential customers for its proposed clean hydrogen production facility in Teesside in north-east ?England, the British oil major said on Thursday.
The company is currently planning a 1GW blue hydrogen facility at Teesside industrial cluster by 2030. The company previously signed initial memorandum of understandings (MoUs) with Venator and Northern Gas Networks (NGN).
BP signed MOUs with CF Fertilisers, Mitsubishi Chemical Corp, Sembcorp Energy UK and alfarnar Company for the hydrogen produced by the facility.
The MoU with ammonia and ammonia-based fertilizers ?products producer CF Fertilisers aims at the supply of clean hydrogen as fuel to reduce hard to abate combustion ?emissions at its Billingham plant.
BP's MoU with Japanese firm Mitsubishi Chemical Corp is to scope ?the supply of clean hydrogen to its methyl methacrylate (MMA) plant in Teesside (formerly ?operated as Lucite International).
The MoU with Sembcorp Energy UK, owner and operator of utilities and services infrastructure at Wilton ?International, an industrial park in Teesside, is to scope the supply of clean hydrogen to its combined ?heat and power plants and developing hydrogen infrastructure at Wilton International to enable ?hydrogen supply to third parties.
"These companies are seeking to decarbonize existing operations in Teesside by switching fuel from ?natural gas to clean hydrogen, enabling their manufacturing facilities to produce low carbon products," BP said.
BP has also executed an MoU with alfanar to scope the supply of clean hydrogen to ?alfanar’s waste-to-sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) plant, currently under development, in Teesside.