據ICIS網站8月3日消息 化肥制造巨頭印尼PT Pupuk周二簽署了一份諒解備忘錄(MoU),以探索氫開發和清潔能源供應方面的機會。
印尼國家石油公司總裁兼董事Nicke Widyawati指出,該諒解備忘錄符合印度尼西亞的凈零排放目標,因為公司希望從化石能源向新能源和可再生能源轉型。
這家總部位于雅加達的公司的高級主管表示:“印尼PT Pupuk非常重視減少碳排放,我們已經研究了綠色和藍色氨的開發。”
諒解備忘錄包括印尼PT Pupuk對綠色和藍色氨需求的研究,印尼國家石油公司對氫原料的買賣價格進行了研究,而雙方將研究碳捕獲儲存(CCS)設施的利用情況。
王磊 摘譯自 ICIS
Pupuk Indonesia signs deal to explore hydrogen, clean energy supply
Fertilizer manufacturing major PT Pupuk Indonesia on Tuesday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to explore opportunities in hydrogen development and clean energy supply.
The pact with a subsidiary of state-owned oil and natural gas giant Pertamina follows strong interest by Persero in the development of blue and green ammonia/hydrogen projects and openings.
The MoU is in line with Indonesia's net zero emission target, noted Pertamina president director, Nicke Widyawati, as companies look to transition away from fossil-based energy sources to new and renewable energy sources.
Pertamina is seeking increase the energy mix of new and renewable energy by 10GW over the next few years, namely 6GW gas-based, 3GW renewable energy, and 1GW of new energy, including hydrogen.
Persero's president director, Bakir Pasaman, explained the collaboration was not limited to hydrogen development and energy supply, but the use of technological facilities and equipment.
In addition, the two companies are eager to pursue the commercialisation of green and blue ammonia by using hydrogen produced by Pertamina as a raw material for fertilizer production.
"Pupuk Indonesia pays great attention to reducing carbon emissions and we have studied the development of green and blue ammonia," the senior executive of the Jakarta-headquartered firm stated.
Pertamina is currently developing blue and green hydrogen technology through studies and trials, such as research focused on the Ulubelu geothermal facility in Lampung province.
The MoU includes a study on the need for green and blue ammonia by Pupuk Indonesia, works on the buying and selling price of hydrogen raw materials by Pertamina, while both parties will look into the utilisation of facilities for Carbon Capture Storage (CCS).