據彭博新聞社8月2日星期一報道,《華爾街日報》的所有者和母公司美國新聞集團(News Corp.)已同意斥資11.5億美元收購石油數據公司油價信息服務公司(Oil Price Information Service/OPIS)。
新聞集團8月2日在一份聲明中說,標普全球公司和IHS Markit公司的這筆交易預計將在今年第四季度完成,條件是監管機構批準并完成兩家公司的合并。
標普全球公司和IHS Markit公司今年5月表示,它們將探討出售OPIS,為擬議中的合并鋪平道路。
此次收購將成為新聞集團旗下道瓊斯專業信息業務(Dow Jones Professional Information Business)的一部分,該業務包括新聞通訊社、風險與合規服務以及道瓊斯路透商業咨詢(Factiva)探索題目。
李峻 編譯自 彭博新聞社
WSJ Owner to Buy Oil Data Firm for $1.15B
News Corp., the owner of the Wall Street Journal, agreed to acquire Oil Price Information Service for $1.15 billion.
The sale, by S&P Global Inc. and IHS Markit Ltd., is expected to close in the fourth quarter, subject to regulatory approval and the completion of a merger between the sellers, News Corp. said in a statement Monday.
S&P Global and IHS Markit in May said they would explore a sale of OPIS to smooth the path to their planned merger.
OPIS provides daily price information used by commodity traders around the world, not just for crude oil but for a wide array of fuel markets including gasoline and diesel.
The purchase will become part of News Corp.’s Dow Jones Professional Information Business, which includes its news wire, a risk and compliance service and the Factiva research tool.
Bloomberg LP, the parent of Bloomberg News, competes with News Corp. in delivering financial news and information.