這種37公里長的電示蹤加熱雙層管解決方案將把石油從Fenja油田輸送到挪威能源巨頭Equinor運營的Njord A平臺。
海王星能源公司在挪威的項目和工程總監Erik Oppedal說:“完成ETH雙層管的安裝和測試是一項偉大的技術成就,也是Fenja油田開發的一大進步。 ETH雙層管解決方案對采油至關重要,是一種創造性的、成本效益高的方法,使我們能夠把Fenja油田與現有的基礎設施聯系起來?!?/p>
李峻 編譯自 世界石油
Neptune Energy installs world’s longest ETH production pipeline
Neptune Energy announced the safe and successful installation and testing of the world’s longest trace-heated subsea production pipeline at its operated Fenja field in the Norwegian sea.
The 37 kilometer electrically trace-heated (ETH) pipe-in-pipe solution will transport oil from the field to the Njord A platform, operated by Equinor.
The innovative use of the ETH pipe-in-pipe significantly reduced the potential cost of the development by enabling the field to be tied back to existing infrastructure.
Neptune Energy’s Director of Projects and Engineering in Norway, Erik Oppedal, said: “Completing the installation and testing of the ETH pipe is a great technical achievement and a major step forward in the development of the Fenja field. The ETH pipe-in-pipe solution is crucial for extracting the oil, and is a creative, cost-effective approach that permitted us to tie the field back to existing infrastructure.
“Norway is an important part of Neptune’s geographically-diverse portfolio and this is an excellent example of the company’s commitment to investing in the region and adopting advanced technologies to overcome challenges.”