據世界天然氣網12月16日消息 瑞士大宗商品交易商貢沃爾集團簽署了一項11.3億美元的銀團借款基礎貸款,以支持該公司全球液化天然氣活動的營運資金需求。
貢沃爾集團Tawfik Sadfi表示,這一新的液化天然氣借款表明了銀行對支持貢沃爾不斷增長的液化天然氣業務的堅定承諾。
吳恒磊 編譯自 世界天然氣
Gunvor ties up $1.13 billion LNG facility
Swiss commodity trader Gunvor Group has signed a $1.13 billion syndicated borrowing base facility to support the working capital needs of the company’s LNG activities globally.
Gunvor says this is the first of its kind LNG facility. It includes scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions measurement commitments.
The syndication launched at $800. This was oversubscribed due to strong demand from the markets like Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. It then closed at $1.135 billion.
The facility is specifically structured around global LNG trade flows including Gunvor’s shipping activities. It will finance physical and derivative positions. As a part of the facility, Gunvor has committed to CO2 carbon emissions reporting to establish transparency for the carbon footprint of the company’s LNG value chain.
This new LNG borrowing base demonstrates a strong commitment from banks to support Gunvor’s growing LNG business, according to Tawfik Sadfi from Gunvor Group.
Rabobank said of the transaction: “The successful syndication of this facility (…) reflects the strong interest of banks to support responsible participants in the growing global LNG market; one of the main enablers of the energy transition.”