該發現位于58號海上區塊的中心區域,此前在Maka、Sapakara、Kwaskwasi和Keskesi發現,并成功測試了Sapakara South-1評價井。
道達爾表示,位于Sapakara South東南18公里處的Krabdagu-1 ,鉆探至水深780米,在優質的Maastrichtian和Campanian油藏中發現了約90米的凈油層。
道達爾負責勘探的高級副總裁Kevin McLachlan表示,Krabdagu-1的這口成功探井是58號區塊中心區域已發現的資源的重要補充。這一結果鼓勵我們繼續對這個高產的58號區塊進行勘探和評估,以便到2022年年底確定足夠的資源進行首次石油開發。
將使用Maersk Valiant鉆井船繼續鉆井和測井作業。DST作業將在Krabdagu-1上進行,以評估資源和生產力,并計劃在2022年在該區塊鉆探至少3口勘探和評價井。
郝芬 譯自 OE
TotalEnergies Makes 'Significant' Oil and Gas Find Offshore Suriname
TotalEnergies said Monday it has made a significant new oil and associated gas discovery at the Krabdagu-1 well offshore Suriname.
Made in the central area of offshore Block 58, the discovery follows previous discoveries at Maka, Sapakara, Kwaskwasi and Keskesi, and the successfully tested Sapakara South-1 appraisal well.
Located 18 kilometers south-east of Sapakara South, Krabdagu-1 was drilled at a water depth of 780 meters and encountered about 90 meters of net oil pay in good quality Maastrichtian and Campanian reservoirs, TotalEnergies said.
“This successful exploration well at Krabdagu-1 is a significant addition to the discovered resources in the central area of Block 58. This result encourages us to continue our exploration and appraisal strategy of this prolific Block 58 in order to identify sufficient resources by year-end 2022 for a first oil development” said Kevin McLachlan, Senior Vice President, Exploration at TotalEnergies.
Drilling and logging operations will continue, using the Maersk Valiant drillship. DST operations will be carried out on Krabdagu-1 to appraise the resources and productivity, and at least three further exploration and appraisal wells are planned to be drilled in 2022 on the block.
TotalEnergies is the operator of Block 58, with a 50% working interest, while APA Corporation holds the remaining 50%.