Neste 負責可再生航空業務的執行副總裁 Thorsten Lange 告訴路透社:“由于疫情,該計劃被推遲了,因為我們本來希望在2022年投入使用。”
由于缺乏噴氣燃料發動機的替代技術,占全球碳排放量 3% 的航空業被認為是最難解決的行業之一。
Lange表示,他本周在新加坡進行了“非常有希望”的討論,而日本的目標是到 2030 年為航空公司提供 10% 的可持續航空燃料,這“非常令人鼓舞”。
“亞洲的典型情況是他們可能暫時落后……但這可能會在未來兩到三年內發生巨大變化,” Lange補充道。
朱佳妮 摘譯自 烴加工新聞
Neste to start Singapore SAF plant by 1Q 2023
Neste plans to produce its first batch of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in Singapore by the end of 1Q 2023 after the COVID-19 pandemic delayed its expansion project, a senior executive said on Wednesday.
"It's been delayed due to the pandemic as we were already hoping to be on stream in 2022," Neste's Executive Vice President for Renewable Aviation, Thorsten Lange, told Reuters.
"But the revised plan is now fully on track."
Neste produces renewable fuels, mainly from waste and residues such as used cooking oil, animal fat from food industry waste, fish fat from fish processing waste and residues from vegetable oil processing.
Neste plans to start SAF production at the end of 1Q 2023 and then onwards ramp up output to an annual capacity of 1 MMt, Lange said in an interview on the sidelines of the Singapore Airshow.
Aviation, which accounts for 3% of the world's carbon emissions, is considered one of the toughest sectors to tackle due to a lack of alternative technologies to jet fueled-engines.
Lange said he has had "very promising" discussions this week in Singapore, while Japan aiming for 10% sustainable jet fuel for airlines by 2030 is "very encouraging."
"What is typical for Asia is they may be lagging behind for the time being ... but that could massively change within the next two to three years," Lange added.